The COVID 19 positive cases in the country are rising exponentially. Most COVID patients require an external source of oxygen to maintain a balanced level of oxygen in the body. As there is a rise in the demand for oxygen cylinders, there is also a shortage of oxygen cylinders. An alternative to Oxygen cylinders are oxygen concentrators. They have a rising demand among the COVID patients who are unable to get oxygen cylinders. Here is more information about the same, read on to know.
Oxygen concentrators are designed to deliver oxygen to patients with oxygen scarcity in body. According to WHO, oxygen concentrators consist of a cabinet that houses the compressor and filters, tubing, a nasal cannula and a face mask. The oxygen concentrator works on a battery or by being plugged in.
The oxygen concentrator and oxygen cylinders are similar in use. The process, however, for the two are different. But many people have found that patients who require oxygen can use oxygen concentrators in place of oxygen cylinders.
The oxygen concentrator is also available to purchase online. The price is a little high, as seen on various e-commerce websites. The price of the same varies depending on the features of the machine a user wishes to buy.